Experience · Vision · Results

Pat Headshot Adas

I'm running to continue to serve you on the Palo Alto City Council. We need capable and committed representatives who deliver results over rhetoric and are focused on our community values.

Post recommends Burt, Stone, Summa and Reckdahl for council

"Burt has a backbone - We strongly recommend Pat Burt. We know he’ll always be fighting for us...in a time where elected officials are increasingly spineless, it’s good to have someone who isn’t a pushover.” Palo Alto Daily Post (October 4, 2024)

Proven Leadership

In 2020, I ran for City Council to restore public safety and community services that were severely cut at the start of COVID, make real progress on affordable housing, renter protections, and climate protection, and ensure that your elected officials, rather than city staff, lead on key decisions.

Real Results


  • Police and Fire. Staffing is nearly back to historic levels.
  • Affordable Housing. The largest affordable housing pipeline in decades is underway - 3 projects are under construction and 6 more are in the pipeline.
  • Renter Protections. Passed policies to safeguard renters; prevented unfair eviction practices, restricted excessive rent increases, reduced security deposits, promoted rent stability, and provided relocation assistance. Established a Rental Registry to understand renter needs and enhance transparency.
  • Climate Action. Our climate protection and resiliency plans are back to being national leading models. 
  • Council Authority. The City Council has reclaimed its role in overseeing city staff and setting policies.  
  • Regional Voice. Strengthened our regional impact through my service on the boards of Caltrain, the Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority, and the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission.

I know how government works and how to make it work for us.

“Over his 12 years as a council member...he has played a leading role in just about every City Hall endeavor of the past decade, from passing a business tax and building a new police headquarters... [to] setting Palo Alto on the path to carbon-free electricity.” Palo Alto Weekly (10/2/2024)

Vision for the Future

I believe in a Palo Alto that honors its history while investing in the future by embracing our diversity, increasing housing while maintaining our community character, supporting local retail, community services, public safety, and leading in environmental stewardship and climate action.  

Housing: I embrace a diverse community, with more housing for all - from young renters and families to retirees and multigenerational households. New housing should be distributed throughout the city while sustaining and building on the qualities of Palo Alto that we treasure. 

Environment: I envision a Palo Alto that leads in environmental stewardship, where we protect our natural treasures, aggressively fight climate change, and adapt to its impacts. I embrace a thriving and innovative local economy that offers diverse opportunities for all, balanced with a commitment to social equity.

Infrastructure and City Services: Our city’s future will be shaped by continued investment in our parks, strengthening a network of safe streets, bikeways, and pedestrian walkways, and a robust public transit system. Our libraries, parks, and community centers will serve as vibrant hubs that reflect the diverse needs of our residents. Strong public safety must be the foundation upon which our vibrant, connected community continues to flourish.

During my years on the Council, including three terms as Mayor, I’ve stood out as a productive consensus builder, solving tough problems. My experience as a neighborhood leader and environmentalist, tech CEO, and regional leader has equipped me to serve our community effectively.

Moving forward, I will:

  Make Government More Efficient and Effective:

  • Ensure elected officials lead on key issues and respond to community needs
  • Strengthen partnerships with nonprofits, businesses, and regional agencies
  • Reduce bureaucratic hurdles to quickly improve our downtown and retail areas, and streamline our homeowner and business approvals process  
  • Use resources efficiently, ensuring our immediate and long-term community needs are met

  Improve the Quality of Life for All:

  • Build affordable housing and ensure renter protections are working
  • Restore public safety staffing to reduce crime and speeding
  • Maintain and improve our streets, bikeways, parks, libraries, and community facilities
  • Lead negotiations to purchase Cubberley land and dedicate new parklands
  • Support our youth, seniors, disabled, and unhoused.

  Strengthen Our Environment:

  • Maintain Palo Alto's leadership in climate action with low-cost, 100% clean energy, green buildings, and sustainable transportation
  • Prioritize emergency preparedness, environmental protection, and resilience
  • Protect our natural environment

  Build Consensus to Build Momentum.

  • Collaborate with residents, businesses, and community partners
  • Ensure your representatives work together to solve our problems
  • Support community organizations to leverage city resources and better serve our needs

We’ve made great strides, but more work is needed. That’s why I want to continue to represent you. 

I am committed to making Palo Alto fiscally sound, innovative, and environmentally sustainable – a community that is welcoming, just, vibrant, and inclusive. 

Please support my re-election to the City Council on November 5th, 2024.

   Daily Post    Firefighters Endorse