Collaborative and Effective Government
I have a proven track record of working with my council colleagues, community leaders, and regional partners to forge consensus on important issues. I will continue to drive streamlining government bureaucracy and ensuring transparency and accountability.
I believe that embracing diverse viewpoints enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of government. Better collaboration over the past three years has made the council less factional and resulted in better problem-solving, resulting in decisions that better serve the people of Palo Alto.
Regional and state collaboration is also crucial to achieving our city goals. That’s why I’ve worked to represent us regionally on transportation, affordable housing, and environmental issues through my roles on the Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) and Caltrain boards, and as Chair of the Valley Transportation Authority (VTA).
Effective government:
I will ensure the city council sets policies and provides oversight, rather than deferring these responsibilities to the City Manager.
“When he says he doesn’t like to see the council defer entirely to staff, he means it.” - Palo Alto Weekly, 2020
We still have areas to improve. Investments that the council directed be made to our downtown areas are taking too long. Also, our permitting processes are notoriously slow and excessive. I’m working with my colleagues, residents, and the business community to streamline these processes. I will continue to pursue reduced bureaucracy, streamlined permitting, and more efficient government.